Freshman forges fashion

Freshman Sebastian Zamora recently started his own clothing brand consisting of his own unique designs. He started creating these designs a few months ago after a friend suggested it to him.

“Me and some of my friends are really into the fashion industry,” Zamora said, “And one day they suggested that I start creating my own brand of clothes so I was just like why not?”

After starting the brand, Zamora needed a name and theme for his bra

nding. He decided to base his branding on his Christian beliefs and use the name “Miracle Apparel.”

“The brand is called Miracle Apparel. I’m a Christian so it’s like that miracle,” Zamora said, “I wanted to kind of like, promote God and stuff with the name Miracle. Kind of the slogan I have is God works miracles so that’s kinda how I got the name.”

Zamora had been into the fashion industry for many years, which is where he got most of his inspiration. He created his branding as a way to truly be a part of the industry. He was also motivated by the thought of being able to wear his own designs and clothing.

“I mean, I’ve always kind of been into fashion,” Zamora said, “Maybe like, around two years ago I started getting really into fashion and I always thought it would be really cool to start my own stuff and be able to wear my own stuff.”

In order to create and manufacture his designs, Zamora uses social media to connect and negotiate with manufacturers. He sends the images to the producers, then they give him a price and manufacture his clothing. After he receives the completed product, he puts the clothes up for sale for anyone to buy.

“On Instagram, I have a couple producers that I talk to,” Zamora said, “ I show them the design and they tell me how much it costs to make. I send them the files and stuff for the logo and they got me with that. Then they’ll send it to me and I go over it, then I’ll ship it out to whoever buys it.”

Zamora has a website he sometimes uses but for the most part he uses Instagram to negotiate prices and find possible clients to sell his clothing to.

“I have an Instagram for it, the Instagram is just Miracle Apparel and the website is just in the bio,” Zamora said, “Usually if someone wants to buy it they usually just DM me.”