Fenton Judicial Center Cultural Appreciation Week Event Features Cultural Fashion Show, Speeches, Musical Performances, and Feast

Attendees of the 2023 Cultural Appreciation Week event at Fenton Judicial Center in Lawrence on Monday, October 16 arrived to find beautiful cultural clothing representing countries including the Dominican Republic, Japan, and Thailand on each landing of a staircase leading up to the second floor of the courthouse where the celebration was held.

First Justice Mark Sullivan welcomed the audience. The celebration featured a stirring recitation of Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech by educator Ralph Bledsoe. The Lawrence High School Jr. ROTC Color Guard marched in. A singing group comprised of local children, enrolled in grades 3-11, performed before the standing room only audience.

Essex Juvenile Court Probation Officer April Anderson introduced the cultural fashion show which featured outfits that represented a number of countries, including the Dominican Republic, Nigeria, and Japan. The celebration ended with an enormous feast with dishes from Africa, Poland, Ireland, Korea, and more. The Cultural Proficiency Champions – Champions who planned this event – include Anderson, Dahiana Fuentes, and Danielle DuBois.