What are the hottest fashion trends in Rochester right now? Take a peek

The Fashion Week of Rochester wrapped up this year on Saturday, showcasing a variety of styles presented by models and designers from different backgrounds. The finale was held at the Dome Arena in Henrietta.

Fashion Week highlights the work of local and national designers for audiences made up of people from Rochester and beyond. In its 13th year, the fundraiser sustains The Center for Youth’s mission of providing stable housing to young people vulnerable to and facing homelessness.

Fashion Week showcases the creations of both local and national designers. Now in its 13th year, the event serves as a fundraiser supporting The Center for Youth’s commitment to offering stable housing for young individuals at risk of or experiencing homelessness.

“I have big dreams for Rochester, and I think those dreams come alive on the runway,” said Elaine Spaull, Executive Director of The Center for Youth.

The Fashion Week of Rochester models and designers behind the fashion week looks are a mix of professionals and “regular people who love our city so much,” she said. “You will see every shape, every size, every color. When you see that runway tomorrow, you will see Rochester.”

Contact Robert Bell at: [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter: @byrobbell & Instagram: @byrobbell.

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